Our vision: Queen Elizabeth Park as a sand-country landscape with natural, historic and cultural features that all can enjoy.
We are a voluntary trust made up of members of the Kapiti Coast community. We recognise the 638ha park as an irreplaceable public recreation reserve and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi, together with links to those with mana whenua and kaitiakitanga.
We aim to collaborate with the owner (Department of Conservation) and manager (Greater Wellington Regional Council) to guard its resources; we cherish the ecosystem services provided by the dune, wetland and forest native plants and animals, by restoring, conserving and, where possible, enlarging them. We:
• reduce weeds and pests
• encourage research
• protect historic features
• encourage low-impact recreation
• and promote peace in the park.
A key issue for the Friends has become facilitating the restoration of the extensive wetland system (see Projects), as much of the park has been drained for decades to support farming. The Wellington region now has less than 3 percent of its wetlands remaining and the park’s peat wetlands, if re-wetted, have significant potential as a carbon sink. Another important issue for the Friends is regaining full public access as around 60 percent of the park is still off-limits despite it being designated a recreation reserve and not currently farmed. .
Trustees meet on the third Monday evening each month and welcome new Friends.
Our 2023 public AGM will be held in the park’s wonderful new visitor centre ‘Ramaroa’ on Sunday 29 October at 10.45 am (see our Facebook page for further information).
Please contact the Friends trustees at [email protected] for more information.